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Max Mückl – ESC Honorary Member

Mr. Max Mückl from Germany became the ESC Honorary Member.

He is the seventh individual since the foundation of the ESC in 1969 to be awarded with such a rare distinction for outstanding services to the European Shooting Confederation. Among the first six were former Presidents of the ESC – Gavrila Barani (1969-1989), Björn Schullström (1989 – 1993), Gianpiero Armani (1993-2001) and Unni Nikolaysen (2001 – 2009), Tomislav Sepec, Vice-President (2001-2009) and Presidium/Committees member for a total period of 24 years as well as Werner Hirt - Presidium member for 20 years (1993-2013) and before that Chairman of the Press and Promotion Committee (1985-1993).

Formally, the distinction of Max Mückl was the result of the approval by the ESC Presidium of certain amendments to the Guidelines for Honorary Membership and the voting that followed. However, personal and moral qualities, exceptional sustained contribution and loyalty to the ESC, continuous dedication to the shooting sport in Europe are still regarded as the main criteria for granting individual Honorary Membership. The period of service within the ESC Presidium and/or as an ESC Committee member also counts and as a minimum period one of the following must apply:

•   8 years as a President;

•   12 years as a Presidium Member;

•   20 years in total as a Presidium or/and Committee Member.

Mr. Max Mückl was member of the ESC Presidium from 2001 till 2013, thus fulfilling one of the mandatory requirements of the ESC Guidelines for Honorary Membership. His continuous dedication to the shooting sport is well known far beyond our continent. He was a judge at the Olympic Games in Sydney, Athens and Beijing and since the year 2000 – member and then Chairman of the ISSF Technical Committee. As far as he, without doubt, satisfy the main criteria and according to the decision of the XXIV ESC General Assembly in Moscow, Max Mückl has been granted the title of the ESC Honorary Member.

Congratulations from the ESC and the entire European shooting community!

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