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Franck Kiefer ruled the 25m Standard Pistol in Lapua European Cup Finland

The French Frank Kiefer won the gold on the last day of Lapua European Cup 25m Standard Pistol Competition.

"I’m very happy and satisfied that I have won. This range suits to me, the range is good to shoot and even the weather was excellent for me. My next step is of course in Baku, I would like to win there the European Championship in the individual competition but also in the team competition. We have a strong team and it’s ready for Baku", told the competition winner Kiefer.

Kiefer’s result was 572. The silver medal winner was a little bit surprisingly Estonian Reijo Virolainen with result 569. Virolainen took also the place for finals. Bronze medal winner was Stephan Trippel from Germany with result 568.

Remi Moreno Flores won the 300m Rifle Prone Men

The 300m Rifle Prone Men was the last competition in Lapua European Cup 300m Rifle. The King of Rifle 300m Prone Men was French Remi Moreno Flores with result of 597. Silver Medal winner was Finnish Juho Autio (596) and bronze medal winner was Valerian Sauveplane (594) from France.

In the team competition Switzerland ruled and won gold with result of 1776. The team consisted of Marcel Ackemann (595), Gilles Dufaux (592), Andrea Rossi (589). Silver team was Germany (1765) and bronze team was Finland (1761).

Risto Aarrekivi

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