French Jean Quiquampoix ruled the 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men
French Jean Quiquampoix was the master in the 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men.
Quiquampoix ruled the whole competition from the qualification to the end of the final. He beat Russian Leonid Ekimov finally with the difference of 3 points. He showed how to keep the good balance and nerves even you can drop for a while. In next series he took his place on top. Quiquampoix’s teammate Clement Bessaguet was leading in that time. Unfortunately Bessaguet had the second malfunction and lost 2 points. At the same time Quiquampoix took important points. Finally Bessaguet was 3rd. Quiquampoix was taken the lead against Russian Ekimov with 2 points. Quiquampoix shot in last series full score (5 hits), one more than Ekimov and won the title of European Championship.
Italian Tomasso Chelli won the Tokyo quota place by taking fourth (4th) place before Estonian Peeter Olesk who did neither have a quota place before. Sixth was Ukrainian Maksym Horodynets.
Results can be found here.
Photos can be found here.
Videos can be found here.
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