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Statement of the ESC Presidium on the CAS decision to confirm the ethics violations committed by Luciano Rossi

The Court of Arbitrations for Sport (CAS) has issued on September 7, 2018 the decision confirming serious violations by Luciano Rossi of the Code of Ethics of the International Shooting Sport Federation.

The CAS Panel determined that Mr. Rossi made various infractions to the ISSF Code of Ethics in relation to his personal behavior and conflict of interest affecting the management of the sport of shooting. In particular, the CAS Panel indicated the non-disclosure of conflict of interest in relation to private business in shooting, spreading misinformation and disloyalty towards the ISSF.

The decision of the CAS Panel has confirmed the absolute correctness of the ISSF Executive Board and the ISSF Ethics Committee decisions with regards to Mr. Rossi’s conduct and activities. All points of the CAS verdict correspond to the conclusions of the ISSF Ethics Committee.

The decision of the CAS Panel has confirmed also the correctness of the ESC warning that a call to the Extraordinary General Assembly had no sense and could only lead to waste of time and money by the Member Federations.

After the CAS decision it is clear that any attempts to break the unity of the shooting community for personal interests are doomed to failure and not only in Europe.

The complete text of the Media Release published by CAS can be found here.

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