The XXIV Ordinary ESC General Assembly Has Been Held In Moscow
On May 17-18, 2013 the XXIX Ordinary ESC General Assembly took place in Moscow, Russia. 51 out of 56 Member Federations participated in this General Assembly, 8 of which participated by proxies, representing in total 45 countries.
On May 17-18, 2013 the XXIX Ordinary ESC General Assembly took place in Moscow, Russia. 51 out of 56 Member Federations participated in this General Assembly, 8 of which participated by proxies, representing in total 45 countries.
Mr. Olegario Vazquez Raña, ISSF President, Mr. Vitaly Smirnov, Doyen of the IOC, Mr. Franz Schreiber, ISSF Secretary General, Mr. Alexander Zhukov, President of the Russian Olympic Committee were among the guests of the General Assembly.
On the first working day of the General Assembly the delegates approved reports of the President, the Presidium, the Treasurer and the Auditors. They also approved proposals of the Presidium for changes of the ESC Statutes and General Regulations as well as the Guidelines for the Athletes’ Committee.
Mr. Vladimir Lisin, ESC President, paid special attention in his report to two important events: the success of the European shooters at the Games of the XXX Olympiad in London and the inclusion of shooting into the program of the European Games, the first of which are to take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, in June of 2015.
The second working day began with presentations of the Organizers of the European Championships in 2013-2015. Those were done by the Organizing Committees of European Championships 2013 in Osijek, Croatia (25/50/300m) and Suhl, Germany (Shotgun, RT), the European Championship 10m 2014 in Moscow, Russia, European Championship Shotgun, 2014 in Sarlospuszta, Hungary, the European Championship 10m 2015 in Arnheim, Netherlands, and the European Championship 2015 (25/50/300m, Shotgun and RT) in Maribor (Slovenia).
After that the voting took place to determine hosts of the European Championships in 2016-2017. The right to organize the European Championship 10m in 2016 was entrusted to the Hungarian Shooting Federation, the European Championship Shotgun in 2016 – to the Federazione Italiana Tiro a Volo and the European Championship 10 m in 2017 – to the Shooting Union of Slovenia.
The last part of the Agenda of the General Assembly was dedicated to elections. For the first time in history of the ESC the electronic voting system was introduced.
Mr. Vladimir Lisin (Russia) was re-elected President of the ESC for the next four years term. Mrs. Kerstin Bodin (Sweden) and Mr. Pekka Kuusisto (Finland) were also re-elected as Vice-Presidents of the Confederation. Mrs. Biserka Vrbek (Croatia), Mr. Ernfried Obrist (Italy), Mr. Petros Kyritsis (Cyprus), Mr. Yair Davidovich (Israel), Mr. Tamaz Imnaishvili (Georgia), Mr. Alexandros Dimakakos (Greece), Mr. Wilhelm Grill (Germany) and Mr. György Nagy (Hungary) were elected Members of the ESC Presidium. Mrs. Ghislaine Briez (France) was re-elected Chairwoman of the Technical Committee, Mr. Risto Aarrkivi was re-elected Chairman of the Press and Promotion Committee and Mr. Siegfried Boeck (Austria) was re-elected Auditor of the ESC.
At the Presidium meeting that followed Mr. Alexander Ratner (Russia) was re-appointed Secretary General of the ESC and Mr. Pekka Kuusisto re-confirmed as Treasurer. The Presidium also determined composition of the different discipline groups of the Technical Committee, elected members of the Press and Promotion Committee and Anti-Doping Officers.
The General Assembly ended with a boat cruise on the Moscow River offered by the ESC President.
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