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Two new shooting events in the 2014 YOG’s program

Air Pistol and Air Rifle Mixed Team events, two new shooting competitions, have been accepted by the IOC and will be included in program of the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing.

The ISSF is very pleased to report that two additional shooting events will be included in the program of the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, taking place in Nanjing (CHN) from the 16 through the 28 of August 2014.

The Shooting program will be increased from four events (Air rifle and Air pistol, men and women) staged at the first YOG in Singapore, in 2010, to six events in Nanjing, including the new Air Pistol and Air Rifle Mixed Team events.

The additional events will not modify the total number of YOG Quota Places for our sport: 80 young shooters will compete in Nanjing.

At the same time, the ISSF proposal of including two new shotgun events in the Youth Olympic Games program could not be accepted in order to control YOG costs, which would have been affected by a second venue for shotgun shooting.

“We are extremely satisfied of the fact that we will have two additional events in the YOG program.” The ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber said.

"Our first proposal included two new Shotgun events, but this would have required an additional venue for shooting, and therefore the proposal could not be accepted.”

“The ISSF has been supporting and will keep on supporting the Youth Olympic Games, as we believe in the values carried on by this sport event. We are looking forward to a successful second edition of the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, with extra opportunities given to our young shooters by the new events.” Mr. Franz Schreiber concluded.

New events format:

A major objective of this competition will be to give all shooting athletes in the Youth Olympic Games an additional competition experience that brings them together in a special event stressing international cooperation and friendship.

In the new Air Pistol and Air Rifle Mixed Team events, each team will be composed of one male and one female athlete, based on their final rankings in the individual Air Rifle and Air Pistol men and women events. The first place Air Rifle men athlete will be paired with the 20th place Air Rifle women athlete. The second place Air Rifle men athlete will be paired with the 19th place Air Rifle women athlete and so on. The pairing will continue until the 20th place Air Rifle men athlete is paired with the first place Air Rifle women athlete to form twenty total Air Rifle teams. The same system will be used to form twenty Air Pistol teams. The team pairings will be adjusted to ensure that no two athletes from one nation are on the same team.

The team events will take place over two days, following the four days of individual competitions.

On the first day, all team members will shoot a qualification program of 40 shots. The scores of each team member will be added and the combined results will determine the best 16 teams that advance to a “round of 16 competition” on the same day. In the quarterfinals eight pairs of teams will compete. The highest scoring team in the qualification will shoot against the lowest scoring team, the second highest scoring team will shoot against the next to the lowest scoring team etc. In the team pairs competitions, the two members of each team will each fire one shot. The

scores of the two team members will be added and compared with the two shot score total of the other team. The team with the highest total will score one point.

The paired teams will continue to fire one shot contests until one team scores ten points during that round of competition. The eight winning teams in each team event will advance to the quarterfinal, semi-final and final round competitions on the second day. Team pairs will use the same ten-point format in each successive round of competition. The four winning teams in each quarterfinal event will compete in the semi-final to determine the teams that compete for the gold and silver medals and the teams that compete for the bronze medal.

The 2014 YOG qualification period will start on April 1, 2013 and will end on June 8, 2014. Final regulations for this competition format will be provided.

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