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EYLCH North Region Qualification started

EYLCH North Region Qualification Round was competed in Tallinn Estonia at the Saku Parish Sport Center on 22-24th April.

Participating teams were in Air Pistol: Poland, Norway, Latvia, Sweden and Estonia. In Air Rifle the participating teams were: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia and Finland.

- I'm happy that we, after the two years Covid pandemic, are able to meet and compete in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere. Respectfully knowing that our neighbor struggles a dreadful war at this same moment. We have visited many countries and cities over the years and it's great pleasure to be here in Tallinn for the first time in this reopening of the Youth League. Thank you Estonian Shooting Sport Federation for undertaking the responsibility for this important competition, said the Region Director Christina Ahlstedt from Sweden in her opening speech.

The first two teams from Tallinn will qualify for the European Youth League Final Budapest Hungary in the end of September. Those countries were in Air Pistol: Poland (83 points) and Latvia  (77 points) and in Air Rifle: Norway (98 points) and Estonia (60 points).

Results can be found here.

Photos can be found here.

Risto Aarrekivi

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