Familiar names on top of the podium
The 2021 European Championship in Osijek continued today.
It was already 13th competition day and there is still couple days left. The Championship will be ended on the 6th June. The Rifle shooters continued today by shooting 300m Rifle 3x40 Men and Women.
These even have been called among the Rifle shooters as the Kingship of Rifle events.
Yesterday Germont Rumpler was the best and Steffen Olsen second in Prone Men. Now the places turned. Today it was Olsen turn to climb on the highest podium. Rumpler was today second. The only new one on the podium was Rumpler’s team mate Andreas Thum. Danish Olsen shot 1181, Austrian Rumpler was one point behind (1180) Olsen and the Bronze medal winner Thum also one point behind Rumpler.
Women shot also the 300m Rifle 3x40. Podium was also crowded with very familiar shooters, but not the same as yesterday. Swiss Silvia Guignard Schneyder won the European Championship Gold by shooting 1170. Elin Ahlin from Sweden was second and Slovenian Urska Kuharic came third. Schneyder’s victory result was 1170, Ahlin 1167 and Kuharic 1151.
Tomorrow Rifle shooters are competing in 3x40 Team competitions.
Results can be found here.
Photos can be found here.
Videos can be found here.
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