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Finland´s Men Juniors and Hungary Men set a new World Record

On the last competition day Running Target shooters finished their “battle” with two new World and European record.

Hungary won the European Championship with the result of 1734. The team consisted of Josef Sike (584), Tamas Tasi (578) and Laszlo Boros (572). Difference to the silver was 26 points.

The Silver medal winner was Russian Federation (1708) and bronze medal winner was Finland with difference of one point (1707).

The young Finnish Running Target shooters did what was expected after two days triple win. They kept their promise and won the European Championship with new World and European Record. The team of Finland consisted of Jani Suoranta (578), Mika Kinisjärvi (569), Heikki Lähdekorpi(561). The World Record result was 1708. Ukraine won silver (1675) and bronze medal winner was Russian Federation (1614).

Running Target

Qulaification: 1) Jozsef Sike HUN 584, 2) Tamas Tasi HUN 578, 3) Vladislav Prianishnikov Ukraine 576, 4) Lukasz Czapla Poland 574/shoot off 20, 5) Krister Holmberg FIN 574/18

Team Competition: 1)HUngary 1734 (World Record), 2) Russian Federation 1708, 3) Finland 1707.

Semifinals: Lukasz Czapla – Jozsef Sike 6-4, Vladislav Prianishnikov – Tamas Tasi 7-5

Bronze Match: Jozsef Sike HUN – Tamas Tasi HUN 6-3

Gold Match: Lukasz Czapla POL – Vladislav Prianishnikov UKR 6-4

RT Men Junior

Qualification 1) Jani Suoranta FIN 578, 2) Vladislav Shchepotkin UKR 574, 3) Ihor Kizyma UKR 570, 4) Mika Kinisjärvi FIN 569, 5) Heikki Lähdekorpi FIN 561.

Teams: 1) Finaland 1708 (WR), 2) Ukraine 1675, 3) Russian Federation 1614.

Semifinals: Mika Kinisjärvi FIN – Jani Suoranta FIN 6-1, Vladislav Shchepotkin UKR – Ihor Kizyma UKR 6-2

Bronze Match: Jani Suoranta FIN– Ihor Kizyma UKR 6-3

Gold Match: Vladislav Shchepotkin UKR – Mika Kinisjärvi FIN 6-4

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