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It was Swiss Day in Lapua European Cup

Sylvia Guignard was the best in 300m Rifle 3 Positions Women, and Adrian Schaub - in 25m Center Fire Pistol.

Today, on Saturday, it was turn of 300m Rifle 3 Positions 3 x 40 Women competition in Aarhus. Swiss Silvia Guignard ruled the competition and won Gold with result 1177. The victory did not come easily, while Swedish Elin Ahlin was leading after Kneeling and Prone positions. But then Guignard showed her strength in Standing position and passed Ahlin by shooting the 390-result. Ahlin’s standing was 382 and she won the Silver with 1171 result. The Bronze medal winner was Karolina Kowalczyk from Poland with result 1166.

The Triumph of Switzerland continued also in Lapua European Cup 25m Pistol in Lasko in Slovenia, when Swiss Adrian Schaub won the 25m Center Fire Pistol competition. Schaub was also best in Suhl, where Lapua Cup was last time competed. The Victory result of Adrian Schaub was 583 (Precision 288, Rapid 295).

Schaub won Gold with the difference of two points before Joze Ceper (581 – 289+292) from hosting country Slovenia. Schaub won the Gold by excellent shooting in rapid stage (295). After Precision stage Schaub was on the 7th place. Schaub passed all six other athletes and won Gold. French Alban Pierson shot steadily and won Bronze with result 580 (290+290).

The Team competition won France (1721).The team consisted of Alban Pierson (580), Florian Fouquet (574) and Yann Fridrici (567). Austria won Silver (1705) and Bronze travelled to Latvia (1704).

Center Fire Pistol Photos by Slovenian OC

Risto Aarrekivi

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