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Männiku is ready for the third round of the 25m Lapua European Cup Pistol

It is the seventh time when the 25m Lapua European Cup takes place in Estonia.

All began in 2018 in Elva. Now the venue is the Männiku Shooting Center nearby Tallinn, the Capital City of Estonia. Estonia Shooting Sport Federation has hosted also several the 300m Rifle Lapua Cups.

The first competition events on Saturday13th July are Centre Fire Pistol and 25m Pistol Mixed Team. There are participants from seven countries: Azerbaijan, Croatia, Finland, France, Latvia, Sweden and from hosting country Estonia. Six Mixed Teams (Women and Men) and 20+20 athletes in Centre Fire Pistol and Standard Pistol. On today, (on Friday 12th July) there will be only the Pre Event Trainings and The Technical Meeting. 

In Männiku, there will be also two athletes, who are going to Paris Olympics. The Estonian Pistol star Peeter Olesk will participate in Lapua Cup too. The second Olympic athlete is Ruslan Lunev from Azerbaijan.

Lapua Cup inspire our athletes and referees

- These Lapua Cups are important for us in Estonia and Estonian athletes, but not only for athletes, but also for coaches and especially for the referees. They can have here excellent international experience. Lapua Cups have also inspired our athletes for training and participating in the international competitions. The result level has been developed, explains Meelis Loit, the secretary general of the Estonian Shooting Sport Federation.

- We have also learned a lot of organizing international competitions and championships too, says Loit.

- Estonian Federation is active in hosting and organizing international events. In the future, in 2025 we’ll organize the 2025 Junior European Championships 10m U16/U18, in 2027 we’ll organize the separate 10m European Championships for Seniors and Juniors too. This year we have still the 300m Rifle Lapua European Cup, then we are organizing ESC Coach Course in Rifle and Pistol and also the ISSF Referee Course in Shotgun and Running Target, explains Meelis Loit.

Risto Aarrekivi

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