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Russian Federation ruled also in 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team competition – result double victory

The first real competition day was a real Russian day.

In the first final Russian Federation won gold and in rifle the athletes made it even better. The both teams climbed up to the podium. The named order was the same as in their names: Russian Team 1 won gold and Russian Team 2 was on the silver podium. In the Qualification the order was different. Russian Team 2 won the qualification with new European Game Record 629.9. Second was Czech Team 1 (627.1), but Russian team 1 was only fifth with result 625.6.

The winner team (RUS 1) consisted of Yulia Karimova and Sergey Kamensky. Silver team RUS 2 consisted of Anastasia Galashina and Vladimir Maslennikov. Bronze winner Czech Republic team consisted of Aneta Brabcova and Filip Nepelchal.

In bronze match Czech team competed against Norway 1. Czech ruled the match all the time, but Czech team made good hits too. The difference of the results was very small. Once both team shot even same result 20.9. Anyway Czech team won bronze with result 17-11.

The gold match was duel of two Russian teams. When teams had shot five rounds (one shot per athletes), team 1 was leading 8-2 and their last result was nice 21.5.

It looked clear that Karimova and Kamensky will take a clear victory but team 2 started slowly to rise and wake up. They were leading even 12-4 with Kamensky’s execellent 10.9 hit. The difference of the team results were from 0.1 to 0.6.

Finally the Russian team 1 won the match with result 16-12.

The Shotgun competitions started also today with Trap

In the lead of Trap women is a familiar name; Fatima Galvez from Spain who hit 70 targets. On the second place is Italian Silvana Stanco (69) and Stanco’s team mate Jessica Rossi is challenging with 68 results. Zuzana Rehak Stefecekova (SVK) hit 67 targets. With the same result as Rehak Stefecekova made also Alessandra Perilli (SMR) and Finnish Satu Mäkelä-Nummela. The competition will continue tomorrow.

Men started also their Trap competition today. On the top place is Czech Jiri Liptak who missed only one target. Italian strong Giovanni Pellielo hit 73 targets like Giovanni Cernogoraz(CRO). 72 targets hit four athletes: David Kostelecky (CZE), Valerio Grazini (ITA), Alexey Alipov and Lyndon Sosa (LUX). It looks that tomorrow will be an interesting shotgun day and result list is still open.

The Trap results have not yet been very high generally speaking. The clear reason is burning heat and humidity which makes the difficulties with fluid balance.

Results can be found here and here.

Risto Aarrekivi

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