Russians ruled in Running Target
Russian athletes ruled the Running Target and took today all the gold medals from the events.
Today the Running target athletes competed in Mixed Runs. In women Competition Russian athletes achieved double victory but after the shoot off in which Julia Eydenzon beat Ukrainian Galaina Avramenko. The gold winner was Olga Stepanova (381).
In Men’s competition Russian athletes took also a double victory, the best was Vladislav Shchepotkin (388) before Maxim Stepanov. Bronze stayed in Hungary with Laszlo Boros.
In women team competition Russian team Olga Stepanova (571), Julia Eydenzon(563) and Irina Izmalkova (560) won gold and made a new World and European record (1694). Silver team was Ukraine and bronze winner team Hungary.
Russian team ruled also men’s team competition. The team consisted of Valdislav Schepotkin (388), Maxim Stepanov (386) and Vladislav Prianishnikov (381) and the gold winning result was 1155. Yesterday winner team Sweden (1145) was today the silver team and the team of the hosting country Hungary (1135) won bronze.
The same rhythm continued also in the Running Target Mixed Team Competition. Russian teams took the double victory in RT Mixed team.
In semifinals the both Russian teams won their matches: against Ukraine and against France. The door for gold match was open for the Russians. In the bronze match met the teams who had lost their games: Team of Ukraine and Team from France.
The bronze travelled to France with Florence Louis and Nicolas Tranchant who beat Ukrainian Halyna Avramenko and Ihor Kizyma with result 6-3.
The Gold match was then duel with two Russian teams; Olga Stepanova and Maxim Stepanov against Julia Eydenzon and Vladislav Shchepotkin. Stepanova/Stepanov team won the match clearly with result 6-3.
Risto Aarrekivi
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