Two months are left till the XXV Ordinary General Assembly of the European Shooting Confederation. It will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on July 18-19, 2015. All ESC Member Federations are invited to attend the meeting.
The Agenda of the General Assembly is very intense though it is not an elective one. Among the main matters for discussions and decisions are reports of the President, Presidium and Organizers of the European Championships in 2015-2017, information on the results of the 1st European Games in Baku, Azerbaijan, presentation of the joint “Development program” with the ISSF Training Academy, membership matters, voting on Organizers of the European Championships in 2018-2019.
The norms of representation of the National Federations at the General Assembly are determined by the ESC Statutes. One federation representing all shooting disciplines will have two votes and may be represented by one or two delegates. If a country is represented by two federations, each federation is entitled to one vote and one delegate. The Member Federations may also be represented by proxy, given in writing. One member federation may not represent more than one other member federation. Member federations with one vote may only hold one proxy vote. Member Federations with two votes may hold two proxy votes.
The Official Invitation, the Events Schedule, the Agenda, the Delegates/Observers from, the Warrant of Attorney and the Registration form can be found here.
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