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Top results and changes of the Rules in the ESC Air Cup powered by Walther and Capapie

The Air Cup is strongly forwarding. While the Covid-19 is increasing, the ESC Technical Committee has to react also and made some changes. These changes make the participation easier. The changes can be seen bellow.

The Cup is anyway running well and new results have been appeared tot the result book. Until now the best result has made the former Russian national team member and Beijing Olympic Silver Medalist Natalia Paderina. She shot for her 45 years birthday present the result of 589 in Air Pistol 10m women. The result is two (2) points better than the current world record.

The best result of the Air Pistol Men has made Aleksey Kuznetsov – 583. In Air rifle Women German Antonia Back has shot a 633.3 result and in Air Rifle Men the current leader is German Florian Krumm with result of 632.7. The current leader of the Running Target 10m is Norwegian Tommy Andre Soerlie with result 544.

The total number of participants is 1044 from 21 European countries. The most popular event is Air pistol Men with 372 participants.


ESC Technical Committee has decided that due to the Covid-19 pandemic to vary the ESC Air Cup powered by Walther and Capapie, competition rules as follows:

  1. A feature will be added to the results manager which gives you the possibility to choose which month you want to register results for. Results shot in December can then be registered for November, but only one result per competitor as before. Effectively the competition months will not be changed, but registration will be more flexible.
  2. We will in this way fight the corona pandemic and allow competitors to participate in smaller groups and/or individually to reduce risk of infection. This means that the rule regarding five competitors from at least three clubs will be ineffective until further notice.
  3. To be clear SCATT/NOPTEL or similar electronic equipment are not allowed to be used in this competition.
  4. These changes take place immediately.

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