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Leadership Crisis for ISSF?

It has been announced that the ISSF President Luciano Rossi made a call for an extraordinary Executive Committee meeting on December 19, 2023, to decide the future of the ISSF Secretary General Willi Grill.

It is not the first attempt of Mr. Rossi to get rid of Mr. Grill. Back on October 25, 2023 the ISSF President requested the Executive Committee to dismiss the Secretary General. But the meeting was in Zoom, the matter was raised without previous notice and the Executive Committee decided to postpone any decision until the next in-person meeting hoping that by then the conflict will be settled.

The in-person meeting of the Executive Committee took place on December 5th, 2023. There is no exact information about its outcome but, presumably, it only led to the escalation of the confrontation between the President and the Secretary General. According to some sources the Secretary General was sent on holidays till the beginning of 2024. According to other sources the ISSF President released him from his duties till beginning of January 2024 and hired two law firms to investigate possible serious accounting violations.

It looks like the investigations are over. The community will not know what exactly is Mr. Grill incriminated of, because according to Mr. Rossi “all these reports and documents are strictly covered by a CONFIDENTIALITY CLAUSE, and violation of this clause may lead to criminal consequences”.

The Executive Committee members are in a difficult situation. They have to make a choice between the President and the Secretary General. Whatever their choice will be, the existing situation affects the image of the ISSF and reduced credibility to its Leadership. Well-known that for the elections during the 2022 ISSF General Assembly Mr. Rossi and Mr. Grill presented themselves as a pair of two like-minded persons with common goals.

Now, apparently, this alliance is over. When a similar crisis happens in everyday political life, the leader of the broken coalition normally resigns and the new leader, supported by the community, is elected.

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