The ESC President appointed as a member of the ISSF executive committee
Mr. Vladimir S. Lisin (RUS) has been appointed as a member of the ISSF Executive Committee. Mr. Lisin, who was a member of the ISSF Administrative Council, will hold the position for the remaining period until the 2014 ISSF elections.
The shooting family recently lost an esteemed member of the ISSF Executive Committee when Dr. Carlos Boza (PER) passed away in November 2012. This left the ISSF with a vacancy in the Executive Committee. The ISSF Constitution ( authorizes the Administrative Council to fill vacancies for the remaining period. The ISSF Executive Committee therefore unanimously proposed that the most equitable way to do this was to consider the results of the 2010 elections and to appoint the candidate who had the highest number of votes among the not-elected candidates.
The ISSF Administrative Council with 33 votes in favor, 0 against and 1 vote not received, agreed on appointing Mr. Lisin to fill the vacancy and become a member of the ISSF Executive Committee for the remaining period.
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