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The ESC President Visits Osijek and Suhl

The ESC President Vladimir Lisin has visited Osijek, Croatia, and Suhl, Germany, where the European Championships 2013 are taking place.

In Osijek Vladimir Lisin examined the Pampas shooting range, met the participants and the organizers of the tournament and awarded the winners of 50m Pistol Men with medals.

In Suhl Vladimir Lisin took part in the Opening Ceremony of the European Championship in Shotgun and Running Target. In his speech given before the athletes and the officials he pointed out that it was a great honour for the ESC to hold its championship in the city which the Germans call “the City of Arms” and which for many years has been considered one of the basic centers of the shooting sport in Europe.

Before the beginning of the ceremony the ESC President visited the shooting range, which was built for the World Championship 1986, met with the Mayor of Suhl Dr. Jens Triebel, with Thuringia’s Minister of Social, Family and Health Affairs Heike Taubert and with the President of the German Shooting Sport Federation Heinz-Helmut Fischer.

Vladimir Lisin had the honour to make the first record in the Golden Book of Suhl. 

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